One form of the no growth model / no change model looks like,
`y_{it}=L_i+e_{it}, i=1,...,N, t=1,...,T`
Generate codes
To generate codes for this model, first run BAUW and choose the menu "Analyze-Growth curve models - No growth model". In the popup windows, type in "Sample size", "Occasions", "Missing data", then browse the data file to be used. (For this model, no covariate can be used.) Then click OK.
After clicking OK, the following codes will be generated. Notice that this is a complete WinBUGS program and can be used in WinBUGS without any modification.
Sometimes, the starting values should be changed to accelerate the convergence.
A user who would like to include a reference to BAUW in a journal article may use the following format (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, Fifth Edition, Example 83, page 280):
Zhang, Z., & Wang, L. (2006).BAUW: Bayesian Analysis Uinsg WinBUGS, Version 1.0. Computer software and manual]. Retrieved from